Invest Your Time

     As you are enjoying the summer time off of school, a thought comes to mind of what you are doing with your time.  Every day we wake up unless God takes us home, we are all given the same amount of time in a day.  Time in a way is money.  If you spend your money, you don't really get it back.  If you spend your time, you definitely do not get it back.  What are you doing with your time this summer?  What are your plans for today?  Do you have a goal that you are working towards?  You say, "it's summertime do I really need to have a goal?"  The answer is yes!  Far too many young people waste the most valuable thing in their life during the summertime.  That most valuable thing is time.  Without time, you have no life.  The Bible says that we all have an appointment with death.  Hebrews 9:27 tells us, "it is appointed unto men, once to die."  This point marks the end of our time.  There will be no more opportunity to live for the Lord on this earth.  What are you doing with the time that God allows you to have until that point? 
     Any wise financial advisor is going to advise you to invest your money into something that will benefit you in the future.  The idea is that you make the most of what you have been given financially.  The same thing is true with your time.  You must learn to invest your time into something that will reap blessings later on.  Those blessings are eternal!  In Ephesians 5:15 the Bible speaks of redeeming the time.  The word "redeem" here means to "buy up or to rescue from loss."  How much of your time are you buying up?  How much of your time are you rescuing from loss?  Be wise in your time.  Be careful spending too much time on television, video games, social media, hanging with friends, and many other things that simply eat up time.  Invest the 24 hours that God is giving you today for His glory.  Ask the Lord at the start of the day what you can do to make the most of the time that He has given to you!