God Directed Steps

     In Psalm 37 we see 4 steps that we as a Christian must take daily in our lives.  As soon as we get up in the morning, these actions must take place in our lives.  David tells us in verse 23 that "The steps of a good man are ordered by the Lord: and he delighteth in his way."  Young people, we need God to direct our steps every moment of our life.  In verse 3 the first step I see is "Trust in the Lord, and do good;"  Obviously in this passage the prerequisite for God to direct is that of being a good man.  The simple step young people is just to trust the Lord.  In all that God allows you to go through simply trust Him.  Believe with all your heart that God has a very special plan for you.  The second step I see is in verse 4 where it says "Delight thyself also in the Lord; and he shall give thee the desires of thine heart."  When you delight in something you find great pleasure in it.  It is something that you truly enjoy.  Do you enjoy being in the presence of God?  Is it just something that you come to when you go to church?  It ought to be a daily delight.  Third step I see is in verse 5 where it says "Commit thy way unto the Lord."  When something is committed to another, it is giving someone charge or trust over something of ours.  This could be something that we hold very dear.  The Bible tells us that we are not our own anyway.  Can you trust the Lord with your life?  Surrender everyday of your life to Him and He will use you.  The fourth and final step is in verse 7 that says, "Rest in the Lord, and wait patiently for him:"  The only way you can have good rest at night is when you have let go of what is pulling at you or bothering you.  When you have truly surrendered your life to the Lord, you will not worry about what the Lord will lead you through in the day ahead.  Teenagers, these are four vital steps that you must take everyday knowing that God wants to direct your steps.  Trust, delight, commit, and rest knowing that God loves you and He has a plan for YOUR life.