Every Sunday is the Lord's day.  The reality is we ought to be giving the Lord every day of our life.  I want to encourage each teenager to be actively involved in the local church.  Many times we are actively involved in everything in life except the Lord's work.  May I encourage you to not allow television shows, video games, store sales, sports, or even other friends to get in the way of you coming to church this coming Sunday.  God has something very special from His Word for each teenager that comes, guaranteed. This is a very special time of year in which we celebrate Thanksgiving.  Thanksgiving is a holiday that most people really don't even realize the purpose behind it.  It is a time when we thank the Lord for how richly He has blessed us.  May I encourage you teenager to thank the Lord today for His great blessings.  Also, we are having a thanksgiving afterglow this Sunday night.  Each teenager is invited to attend.  This will take place following the evening service.  The cost is $5 per person to help cover the cost of the food.  Let me encourage you to GET INVOLVED!  You will have a great time fellowshipping with other Christian teenagers.  Will you be in your place this Sunday?