Start to Finish!

     How many times in life do we start something yet never finish it?  Often times in our life we set out with the greatest of desires and ambitions that we are going to accomplish something, but it never happens.  We say we are going to do something and sadly we lose the desire to complete it.  The reality is Satan does not want you to be a finisher.  In Acts 20:24 Paul desires that he "might finish" his course with joy.  In II Timothy 4:7 Paul is satisfied with what the Lord has allowed him to accomplish in his life.  He was able to say, "I have fought a good fight, I have finished my course, I have kept the faith."  Each one of us have our course to run and we must finish it!  The more committed that you become to finishing, the harder it is going to seem to become.  Young people, Satan is going to use whatever form of fiery dart that he can in order to get you to stop running as a Christian.  Salvation is eternal, but your impact and influence on the world around you can be affected greatly.  Any runner that has set out to run in a race is going to tell you that it takes a lot of work to win.  Do you want to be a winner for the Lord?  It is vital that you set some distractions aside in your life and let the Lord lead you to victory.  Paul said in Philippians 3:14, "I press toward the mark for the prize of the high calling of God is Christ Jesus."  To press something according to Webster's Dictionary is "to act upon through steady pushing or thrusting force."  According to this definition, you just keep going.  Just keep living for the Lord everyday.  Allow the Lord to exercise yourself in His Word.  He will strengthen you and prepare you for when the attacks come from the one who wants to pull you off course.  Be watching today for the enemy as he is on the hunt for your life.  Are you known as a finisher?  Don't ever quit!  Keep living for God and finish your course.