Shake off the Dust

    When Jesus was preparing His disciples for their service that they would continue He used the phrase, "shake off the very dust from your feet for a testimony against them."  Jesus was teaching His disciples that first of all you will be rejected.  We must always remember that we are going to be rejected  by some if we are faithful in proclaiming the gospel.  Jesus himself was rejected as He proclaimed the truth.  Yet in this we cannot stop being a witness.  Jesus said it is a "testimony against them."  This meant that they had fulfilled their responsibility of preaching the gospel to those people.  Young people, we  have a responsibility to others to share the truth to them.  In Acts 13:50 tells us that the unbelieving Jews "stirred up" and "raised persecution" against them.  They then proceeded to "expell" them out of the city.  You see Paul faced rejection over and over again.  Yet he did not stop being a witness and proclaiming the truth.  In verse 51 it says, "But they shook off the dust of their feet against them."  They didn't let rejection slow them down.  Verse 52 tells us "And the disciples were filled with joy, and with the Holy Ghost."  God had equipped them to continue on even when someone does not receive.  Teenagers, you must be a witness for Christ and not fear the rejection.  It will come!  The question is on how you will respond to it.  Allow the Lord to use you today to proclaim the truth to someone.