A Vital Reminder
     Through out our lives we are going to receive many reminders.  You may get them by way of a calendar.  They may come through a cell phone, Ipod, or some other electronic device.  Your parents may be the one to give them to you at times.  They can also come from your pastor, Sunday school teacher, or even a friend.  As often as you receive a reminder, how many times do you pay attention to them?  Sometimes in life these reminders can be looked at as more of a warning.  For instance, my sons know that they cannot play on the road.  Yet just because they know, that doesn't mean that they always remember it nor truly understand why it is so important.  This is the reason why at times I have to give them a reminder that really stands as a warning to them of the dangers of playing in the road.  Through God's Word we are given many "reminders."  It's amazing how many times we go through our reading for the day and many times we pass right over the reminders that God is giving us for that day.  We as Christians often times pass over the reminders in God's Word that really we ought to be viewing as a warning.  When someone gives a warning to you, it is because they are aware of the possibilities that are ahead of something wrong happening.  I truly believe we can trust in the omniscient God to know what you need for today.  In Deuteronomy 6:4-25 we see a daily reminder that Israel received to help them remember what their responsibility was for that day.  In verse 5 the Bible says, "And thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thine heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy might."  Verse 6 says, "And these words, which I command thee this day, shall be in thine heart:"  The passage goes on to describe how this would stand as a reminder to the next generations to do the same.  Young people, this is the biggest thing that you need to worry about in your life today.  LOVE THE LORD YOUR GOD!  The passage goes on to tell us verse 18 of the great blessings that they would receive, "that it may be well with thee, and that thou mayest go in and possess the good land."  You see God had great blessings for the people of Israel if they would heed the warning. 
     In I Peter 5:8, we see a warning that is critical to remember everyday, "Be sober, be vigilant; because your adversary the devil, as a roaring lion, walketh about , seeking whom he may devour:"  If you do not heed the first warning given to you to Love the Lord thy God then you will not be ready to heed the one found in this passage.  Where is your focus today?  Your focus must be on the Lord today, because if its not the enemy has his sights set right on you and is ready to destroy you!  This ought to be a RED ALERT for you everyday to focus your every being on the Lord and He will give you victory in every struggle of your day.