Rooted in Righteousness

     All around us we get to enjoy the beauty of God's creation.  We can daily see the perfect design by God's hand in all of nature.  It always amazes me how as the water comes and the sun shines that plants grow.  Obviously something that we really cannot understand is the process that is going on.  If you have ever taken a simple seed and placed it in the ground you know that if you water it and allow it to see sunshine it will eventually begin to grow roots and then open up and release the plant.  Large trees have an enormous root base to provide for their strength and stability.  In Proverbs 12:3 we find, "A man shall not be established by wickedness: but the root of righteousness shall not be moved."  This verse shows us the firm foundation that living in righteousness brings.  A man that builds his life in the wicked ways of this world will eventually be destroyed.  Psalm 7:9 says, "Oh let the wickedness of the wicked come to an end; but establish the just: for the righteous God trieth the hearts and reins."  Our God is a righteous God which means He will judge by righteousness.  Soon the wicked will be removed and the righteous will stand for eternity.  Psalm 1:3 tells us that the man that separates himself from the ungodly and places himself in the Word of God "shall be like a tree planted by the rivers of water."  Plant your self in righteousness today.  What are you surrounding yourself with?  Many Christian teens are filling their minds with wicked things that lead to destruction.  Allow the Lord to fill your heart with the righteousness in His Word.  Today is Sunday! Make sure you allow God to teach as you attend the church services of today.