Depart From Evil

     In the book of Proverbs we find a wealth of knowledge that if applied will lead us to live a God-blessed life.  Through out the book we are challenged to make a choice between one path or the other.  This is where wisdom is applied.  As a choice is made we apply wisdom.  The more time we spend with the Lord the more wisdom we will gain in order to know which way to go or who to follow.  In Proverbs 14:7 Solomon says, "Go from the presence of a foolish man, when thou perceivest not in him the lips of knowledge."  There is the ability shown here to discern between right and wrong.  In this verse we see the importance of fleeing from the presence of evil.  In verse 9 of this same chapter we read that "fools make a mock at sin."  Here is where wisdom comes in, when the form of entertainment or pleasure that we are involved in is sin, it's time to depart.  Verse 12 says, "There is a way which seemeth right unto a man, but the end thereof are the ways of death."  It should be obvious this is not the way to go.  Who wants to choose the way of death?  The problem is when we do not apply the God given wisdom in His Word to make right choices.  In verse 16 the Bible says, "A wise man feareth, and departeth from evil:"  In applying wisdom, you literally fear the possibilities when evil is present.  Depart from evil!  Don't hang around when sin is prevalent.  Be careful to never set yourself up for destruction!  Be wise today and live to honour the Lord.