A World Turned Upside Down

     In my Bible reading yesterday I came to the phrase in Acts 17:6, "These that have turned the world upside down."  In this passage we see something that I am sure we have heard many times over again.  This is something that proves to us that the apostles were making a difference.  Its amazing in this world how we hear much about protecting our planet and making a difference for the greater good.  It amazes me how quickly this philosophy has overtaken our world.  You see a few people began to commit themselves to that cause and eventually have left a dramatic impact on an entire world.  I truly believe that if we as Christians would desire to let God use us, we could do the same for Him. 
     Just before the departure of the Lord Jesus Christ from this earth, He gave the disciples the great commission to go into all the world and proclaim the gospel.  This gospel represents the love of the Lord Jesus Christ.  This gospel represents the grace of God available to every man.  This gospel shows to us just how merciful our God really is.  Young people, I really believe you can make a difference in this world, but you need to be completely surrendered to God's will for your life.  Are you letting God use you to impact somebody.  The apostles made a difference and were known for turning a world upside down.  They left a lasting impact!  What impact are you leaving?  Let me encourage you to seek to leave an impact in someone's life today.