Happy Canada Day!

     Today we celebrate the freedom that we are privileged to enjoy in this country.  Canada is truly a wonderful place to live.  I believe many times we fail to realize just how blessed we are to be able to enjoy the freedom God has given to us.  We are able to enjoy the freedom to be able to worship the one and only God without fear of man.  How much do we take advantage of the freedom to be a witness?  Many countries today do not allow you to openly be a witness for Christ.  Yet here we can knock on a stranger's door and tell them about the Lord.  Do we take the opportunities that God gives us?  The Bible says in Psalm 33:12, "Blessed is the nation whose God is the Lord;"  Our country truly has been blessed of God.  Sadly though today it would seem that the god of this country is not the true God.  We must be praying for the leaders of this country to make choices that would honour God.  The Bible tells us that we must humble ourselves and PRAY!  Do you pray for our nation young people?  We need God's blessing daily.  Enjoy the freedom that God has given you here in Canada and share the love of Christ with someone today!