How's Your Bible Reading?

     Well, we have reached the halfway point in the year.  Hopefully that means you have reached the halfway point in your Bible reading.  Don't think that because you have fallen behind that there is no sense in finishing.  Let me encourage you to finish what you started to do.  Satan would love for you to miss a day of Bible reading.  Really, that's how he works is keeping you from reading God's word one day at a time.
     God places a high value on His Word and we ought to as well.  In Psalm 119:105, the Bible says, "Thy word is a lamp unto my feet, and a light unto my path."  We daily need the light of God's Word guiding us.  We do not have the answers and we need to get them from the Lord.  In Psalm 119:11, the psalmist writes "Thy word have I hid in mine heart, that I might not sin against thee."  We know that what is in the heart will come out.  If God's Word is being planted every day in your heart, that is what is going to come out in your life.  God commanded Joshua to "meditate therein day and night."  As young people we have filled our lives with so many other things to occupy our time.  Don't just spend up all the time God has given to you but make sure to give God plenty of time today by reading His Word.  Be faithful to your Bible reading and you will see God work abundantly in your life!