Are You a Teachable Student?

  It's summer time now!  Time to put away the school books, no more homework, and no more teachers!  Many times heading into summer as a teenager you are ready to just sit back and not learn a thing.  As a Christian, we must be careful to never get this attitude.  We must be seeking to be learning something everyday.  In reading Proverbs 26:12 the Bible says, "Seest thou a man wise in his own conceit? there is more hope of a fool than of him."  When ever you approach a class in school the reality is you will never learn unless you are teachable.  The same is true when we open God's Word.  We must be careful to ask God as we read His Word to teach us something today.  God's Word never runs out of lessons and principles for us to apply to our lives.  The question really is on how we receive it.
     The verse listed above deals with a man who has no hope of ever learning or changing for the better.  It's interesting the Bible says that a fool has more hope than this man.  If you were to do a study on the fool in Proverbs and the rest of the Bible, you would see that a fool is not given much hope.  Young people if you are set in your way and feel as though your parents, God's Word, your Sunday School teacher, or your Pastor can teach you nothing else you are in a very dangerous position.  Being wise in your own conceit means you feel as if you need nothing else.  Our minds and our hearts must always be pliable that we can learn the lessons God has for us today.   Ask God what He wants you to learn today!