What Needs to Be Removed?

    In Proverbs 25:4 we read, "Take away the dross from the silver, and there shall come forth a vessel for the finer."  I am challenged by this verse in many ways, but I see two specific facts about every person in this verse.  As we think about silver, we realize it is something that is valued very highly.  Silver is also something that is very beautiful when cared for properly.  As most people know, there is a lot of work and preparation that goes into getting silver to this point.  The melting point of silver is 961.8°C. Obviously a great amount heat is necessary to purify this very useful substance that God has created. 
    The two things I see in this verse is first that God sees us as silver.  The Bible tells us that a great price was paid for us.  The reality is that price was paid for all people of this world.  Though many reject the Saviour's love, He still paid the ultimate price for our sins.  I believe God sees something of great worth and value in every one of the teenagers in our youth group.  Secondly, I see that God sees what needs to be removed just like a silversmith would work with this precious metal.  You see that silversmith has great plans for the finished product, his refined silver.  Young people, God knows what He needs to do in your life to get you to the finished product.  Let me encourage you with something, please don't take the role of the silversmith when you are simply the silver.  Surround yourself with the things of the Lord and let Him refine you that you could live everyday for HIS Glory!