Immediate Obedience

     Acts chapter 8 tells us the story of Philip, a man that was sensitive to the Lord's direction in his life.  In verse 26, the Bible says that, "The angel of the Lord spake unto Philip, saying, Arise and go toward the south unto the way that goeth down from Jerusalem unto Gaza, which is desert."  Philip received a direct command from the Lord to go a specific direction.  We find Philip's response in verse 27.  It says, "And he arose and went:"  This is probably one of the biggest areas that we struggle with in our lives as Christians and specifically as teenagers.  God demands immediate obedience! 
     Ephesians 6:1 says, "Children obey your parents."  I truly believe that if we cannot obey the physical authority God has given us on earth we are going to have an extremely difficult time obeying God's spiritual authority.  When your parents give you an instruction the answer should be, "YES!"  When God teaches us or leads us, our answer should be, "YES!"  You see, Philip obeyed God immediately and was able to lead a man to salvation. God had already been preparing this man's heart and Philip simply had to reap the fruit.  There are many blessings awaiting your obedience to the Lord.  Don't wait young people, obey right away.  A songwriter wrote, "I'll say yes Lord, yes!"  May it be your goal today to obey right away.