Stay Close to the Lord
     As I continue to learn more of what it means to be a father, I continue to learn more of what it means to have a heavenly father.  I grew up in a Christian home and was raised under the leadership of Christian parents.  The more I see taking place in this world today, the more I am thankful for the heritage that God has given to me.  It is truly of the mercy of the Lord that I have what God has given to me.  As I hold the hand of one of my children, I think about the sense of security that it brings to me to know that they are right beside me.  It seems in those times that nothing can harm my child if they are close to me.  The reality is that this sense of security is just that, it is not completely true.  Really if I were walking down the street with one of my children holding onto my hand danger is still all around.  Someone could snatch them from me, a car could come by us and run them over.  Obviously if this happened it would be something that I would try to stop.  My efforts are very feeble though.  I am just one man with two small hands and have many limitations.  I am once again reminded of the Heavenly Father that watches over me.  I love my earthly father and am thankful for his protection over me, but my Heavenly Father brings a protection that no person can offer.  In the book of Job we find that our God is Almighty 31 times.  God is all-powerful!  God asked Job in Job 40:9, "Hast thou an arm like God?"  Young people, you must realize this world offers you nothing!  Hold onto the one who cares for you beyond what you will ever understand.  Not only that, He has power beyond what you will ever understand. 
     I can remember a couple of days already as a father not knowing where one of my sons were and beginning to have a sense of fear.  It was a fear really of the unknown and the fear of knowing what our world has come to.  Teenagers, there are dangers in this world that we can never comprehend that Satan desires to use in your life to destroy you!  There is no better place to be than to be holding to the Hand of the Almighty GOD!  Are you walking with Him?  Get closer to Him.  Stay close!  James 4:8 says, "Draw nigh to God, and He will draw nigh to you."