God Knows My Path

     In the book of Job we find a story of a man in the Bible that went through a great trial in his life.  This trial is greater than anything most of us have gone through.  Job was a very wealthy man both in possessions and family.  God had blessed him abundantly.  Yet God allowed Job to be tested and lose everything he had.  The Bible tells us in Job 1:22, "In all this Job sinned not, nor charged God foolishly."  In this verse it is evident that it would have been foolish for Job to look to God and be bitter towards Him for what was happening in his life.  Through the next several chapters Job would be "encouraged" by his friends that quite possibly Job had some sin in his life that needed to be dealt with.  Yet in the beginning of this book where the conversation takes place between the Lord and Satan we find that this is not the case.  Job 1:8 the Lord says to Satan, "Hast thou considered my servant Job, that there is none like him in the earth, a perfect and upright man, one that feareth God, and escheweth evil?"  You see God was pleased with Job and how he walked with the Lord.  It's amazing though that even Job, the one that God recognized, still had more to learn.  Young people ,we will never reach the point of being as close to God as we can be on this earth.  No matter where you are in your walk with God, we still have a long ways to go to get closer to Him. 
     Do you realize that God recognizes you?  God recognizes everything about you and everything that you still need to learn. Not only that, but God has an exact plan of the right path to get you to where He needs you to be.  For we see in Job 23:10, "But he knoweth the way that I take:"  Nothing surprises God in our lives.  Though many times the choices we make hurt God, they do not surprise Him.  Yet even when we go down the wrong path God has a path to bring us back into where He needs us to be.  Trust the unseen hand of the ONE who loves you more than you or I can understand.  God knows my path and He has great blessings waiting if I will but follow HIM!